The Dress Making Process

Where Do I Begin?
You’re engaged…CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Now it’s time to plan the wedding dress of your dreams, and by choosing Nobility Clothing Design, this will be the easiest – and absolutely most fun-filled, stress-free – part of your wedding planning. Once in Natalie’s hands, you’re worry-free, and she is ready to handle the dress needs of your entire party.
Pricing a dress from Nobility is completely dependent on the style you choose, the fabric, the level of detail (hand beading), and so forth. Typically, long gowns run from $1500 to $2000, but could be more or less. Natalie does her best to work with all reasonable budgets.
Natalie can easily work from photographs. Look through your favorite bridal magazines or Pinterest, collect your ideas and bring them to Natalie. With her many years of pattern drafting, she can make your dreams become reality.
Looking for a dress alteration? An average price is usually around $400. It can be less, or it could be more. It’s all dependent on the fabrics and construction in each dress. Giving price estimates are all but impossible without physically seeing how the dress is constructed.
A deposit is required for all design work, both new dresses and alterations. Deposits are non-refundable. If, for any reason, you need to pick up your dress before it’s completed, you will be required to pay half of the estimated alteration cost.
If your function has been postponed, please contact me to see how we proceed. For insurance purposes, I do not want to hold dresses…and space is at a premium in the closet.
Here’s an idea of the Timeline:
1, Start collecting dress ideas from Pinterest and magazines that you like. Print them out and make a file.
2. Call to book your consultation. This should be at least 6 months before your wedding, and can sometimes take a month to get in. We discuss design, silhouette and fabrics.
3. Your fabric swatches have arrived. Yay…now it’s time to measure you.
4. Shoe shopping time! Make sure you have your shoes and undergarments for your first fitting. Fittings start about 3 months before your wedding, so you will be at your ideal weight…it usually takes 3 fittings.
5. You get to pick up your one of a kind custom Nobility gown.
We're a Cell-Phone Free Zone~
Your dress planning time is special and valuable, and really, deserves undivided attention, right? We respectfully ask that the volume be turned off on your cell phone during your appointment time at Nobility. 100% undivided attention for you & your once-in-a-lifetime gown.What you need to know before your NOBILITY appointment.
(506) 206-7397 (preferred)
242 Bryson Rd, Rusagonis NB E3B 8E7