Rivendell Studio

The Studio
Nobility’s Rivendell studio is located in Rusagonis, a peaceful rural community, 15 minutes from the heart of Fredericton. It’s a lovely drive to see Natalie in “The Gornish”. The studio is a cozy loft studio that overlooks the north branch of the Rusagoins river. Natalie has created lovely gardens for you to wander in, if you are running a little early for your appointment. Feel free to hang out on the porch and watch the hummingbirds or just drink in the beauty that the country has to offer.
The studio is a loft, and is not wheelchair accessible. Natalie in the past, has gone to see clients at their own residence, so no one feels left out of the bridal experience. This service is open to those in the local Fredericton/ Oromocto area, and must be well booked in advance.
The Rivendell studio has plenty of parking. Several cars live here, so its always best to park behind Natalie’s car. It’s the one with the “NOBILITY” license plate.
Nobility is strictly by appointment only. Firstly, to make sure she gives you the one to one attention that you deserve and secondly, she might not be in studio. This is the same reason why you must be on time. Natalie does most of her appointments in hour increments. This gives everyone plenty of time, even if you are a little late. She never wants you to feel rushed.
“I always want you to feel as if you are the only client that I have…but in reality there will be people on either side of your appointment, in most cases.”
There are written driving directions on the “contact” from both the Regent mall and the Lincoln Big Stop, in case you don’t have access to GPS on your phone or you just want to familiarize yourself.
Natalie does her best to see all clients that want her services, however, she does all of the work herself, and can only see so many clients. It’s strongly suggested that you contact her as soon as possible. Calling the studio is the fastest and best way to reach her – 506.206.7397. In many cases she is finding holes in her busy schedule, in order to help out as many clients as she can, so trying to book via email or messenger, is almost impossible. When you call, please leave a message, if Natalie doesn’t answer the phone. She either is with a client or buried under a dress.
Nobility’s appointments are available:
Monday to Friday 9am to 7:30pm
Saturday 8am to 1pm
Hours are extended from April to October.
Never presume that Natalie is fully booked…she is just a phone call way.
(506) 206-7397
242 Bryson Rd, Rusagonis NB E3B 8E7